So last night my wife and I went to see
David Sedaris at the Bass Concert Hall (sold out) here in Austin. For those that haven't heard him, I strongly recommend that you check out his work, but in audio format if possible. You can hear him on
NPR as well as get some of his book at
Audible (great use of an iPod, once you start you'll never stop). Why an audible version? Because of the delivery.
David Sedaris' writing style is a calm, measured description of life, which can be hard to read if you aren't used to the timing. But when you listen to him, and experience his way of emphasis, you'll understand. Now, I'll warn you that if you like fast comedy (Robin Williams, for example, whom I also adore), then you might find this a bit too slow. Try it and see for yourself.
It was an interesting night for the other people we saw as well, including two other NI couples and - tada - Ann Richards, the former and still highly beloved (at least in Austin) Texas Governor. I was just behind her by a couple of rows, but didn't get a chance to talk to her. Oh well...the night was still a blast.