As reported here, Microsoft has released a beta version of their WPF/E (Windows Presentation Foundation/Everywhere). So what is this? Well, to quote from Microsoft...
"The “WPF/E” (codename) Software Development Kit, enables you to build web pages and web applications that include rich content such as vector-based graphics, 2D animation, high fidelity text, audio and video and use JavaScript (AJAX) to interact with the page content and your server."
What does that mean?
First, WPF (without the /E, aka Avalon) is the new windowing technology that is built on top of .NET and part of the .NET 3.0 release. Along with other pieces of .NET technology, it allows you to create "safe" applications that can be downloaded to a customer's machine via a web browser and run - with no install or Admin permissions required. (Side note: To me, this kind of technology is the future of the web, versus technologies like DHTML/Ajax, because it provides the rich experience I believe people prefer).
The problem, however, is that .NET is a Windows only solution. So, how do you address that limitation? Well, WPF/E is supposed to be part of the answer. There hasn't been a lot of information available until now, and I haven't had a chance to play with it yet (just back today from vacation - more on that in a later post), but the last information I had on it was a miniature .NET runtime engine specifically for the Mac - but which would only support the WPF/E system.
Some of you may have heard that WPF/E was a DHTML-based rendering solution - that was the story at PDC 2005. However, that approach apparently was discarded in favor of this more complete solution.
What other platforms will it support? How much .NET framework is going to be available? Not sure...but I'll keep you apprised as I learn more.