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Phillip Brooks

I'm a bit apprehensive. I attended the NI Tech Symposium in Boston on November 7th, and attended the Vista session. I'm concerned that the new security features are going to make supporting a test station (installing LV Runtime, GPIB and DAQ/DIO hardware) more difficult. Luckily XP will not disappear tomorrow :)

The NI presenter emphasized Microsoft's recommendation to start using .NET instead of Windows API calls. I've tried to use .NET when I can (find the time to locate the function I need, grrrr) I suspect that LabVIEW / .NET questions are going to increase in the near future...

Brian Tyler

There are definitely some changes that are going to be taking place - the security changes do make a big impact. That's a big part of the various Q1 releases you'll see from NI. But I will say that after using Vista for several months, I get annoyed when I go home to my XP machine *grin* - it has some very nice features - searching in the start menu was much more useful than I thought in the beginning!

As far as .NET questions, bring'em on! I'm ready for you :)

Here's a tip though, when you're looking for some routine, go to msdn2.microsoft.com and search. There is also msdnwiki.microsoft.com, which is MSDN w/ comments (beta currently).

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